10 Ridiculous Products You Never Knew You Needed but Totally Do

Like all good ridiculous products, we learned about these from the internet–which is how you know for certain you’re dealing with a ridiculous product, because no one in the real world, going to a real store, ever really needed any of this crap. Now, that’s not to say that some of this stuff isn’t also pretty awesome–but these babies manage to be less practical than a gift from SkyMall. So if you’re looking for the perfect white elephant gift (or just a few laughs) then check out these 10 ridiculous products you never knew you needed until now.

1. This beanie that in no way is a suitable replacement for an actual beard.


2. This watermelon baby buggy from the future.


3. This contraption for people who just can’t even with their socks.


4. These slippers, which would probably actually make you slip.


5. A sponge microphone.


6. A cable-knit body bag.


7. Bacon flavored breath…without eating bacon.

ridiculous products

8. A face bib for people who hate the idea of wearing ponytails and eating ramen at the same time.

ridiculous products

9. A gentler means of running into door knobs.


10. A way to fulfill your dreams while dreaming.

ridiculous products


Looking for more laughs? Check out these 12 Finals Week Memes to Ease the Pain of Finals!

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About the author

Comediva makes and shares fiercely funny female-driven comedy. Join the movement!

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