Do the Urkel!

Hola, my little revolucionarios!

This is your friend, Frida Killho, reporting from the front lines of the culture wars.  Today, I bring you a tale of courage.  I bring you a story of a man who would not let society define him.  Of course, I speak of

Steven Quincy Urkel.

In a land where the coolness is what matters, Mr. Urkel was a towering figure in the struggle for black nerd equality.  Long has the black man been told that he can find success and empowerment solely through athletics or stand-up comedy.  Orale, Urkel says que ya basta!  That’s enough of that!  He was proud to wear his suspenders and muy thick glasses and chase after the girl of his dreams: la bella Laura Winslow.

He joins the cause with his black nerd brothers:

–  Freedom fighter Carlton Banks from “The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air,” or as I called it growing up, “El Principe Suave.”

–  The struggle continues in the 24th century with Lt. Cmdr. Geordi La Forge from “Star Trek: The Next Generation,” or, “El Capitan Calvo.”

–  And even in our supposedly “liberated” times, the brilliant Toofer from “30 Rock” is still mocked.

Mr. Urkel even created his own baile, “The Urkel,” which he proudly performed at his school dance to impress la Laura!  Mr. Urkel’s dance became so popular that he was asked to perform and bring diversity and awareness to the monocultural American show “Step by Step.”

All of you, if you have ever laughed at a black nerd, just watch this video, mira la pasion in Mr. Urkel as he asks us to: “Point your fingers up to the sky, and talk through your nose, way up high!”

Yes, Steve!  Point up!  Point up and see a future where all of us, nerd and non-nerd, can live together with the peace and love!  And always talk “way up high” and LET YOUR VOZ BE HEARD!

Never give up, mi nerdy hermano!

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About the author

Frida fights to bring political, culture-clash, feminist, highbrow humor to the masses.  Are you a Frida?

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